Contáctenos y preguntas frecuentes
¿Por qué gimnasia?
La gimnasia es una excelente manera de mejorar la fuerza física, la flexibilidad y la resistencia de los niños, así como su concentración mental. La gimnasia también es una práctica con determinación al ayudar a los niños a establecer metas continuamente y lograr nuevas habilidades. El deporte de la gimnasia es gratificante y divertido.
Beneficios para la gimnasia
Fitness: Experimentar la diversión asociada con las actividades de fitness temprano en la vida puede crear hábitos de fitness positivos para toda la vida.
Enfoque mental: aprender a concentrarse en una tarea y lograr la meta
Equilibrio: caminar sobre vigas puede transferirse a andar en bicicleta
Habilidades sociales: turnarse, trabajar con socios, compartir, hacer amigos y reconocer los logros de los demás.
Fuerza: trepar por barras y cuerdas desarrolla la fuerza muscular
Flexibilidad: rango de movimiento mejorado al estirar y mantener posiciones corporales
Quema calorías: y ayuda a poner en marcha una vida de fitness
El deporte de todos los deportes: la gimnasia prepara a los niños para todos los deportes.
¿Qué necesito para comenzar las clases?
¿Cómo puedo contactarte?
Athletic Arts Academy está convenientemente ubicada en Orange, Nueva Jersey, cerca del transporte público y las principales autopistas. Justo enfrente de la estación de tren de Orange. Ingrese por el lado de Galento Plaza del edificio.
Dirección: 23B South Essex Avenue, Suite B, Orange, NJ, 07050
Número de teléfono: Coach Iya (973) -518-2368
How can I contact you?
Athletic Arts Academy is conveniently located in Orange, NJ near mass transit and major highways. Directly across from Orange Train Station. For the Gym, enter on Galento Plaza side of building. For the Child Care, enter on the South Essex Avenue.
23B South Essex Avenue, Suite B, Orange, NJ, 07050
Phone Number:
Choosing the Right Child Care Program
The Athletic Arts Academy reserves the right to discontinue service to students who demonstrate behavior that is unsafe, disruptive, and harmful to themselves, other students, our staff, and facility.
If at home or in school, a child has to be restrained physically or physical discipline is used to get the child to behave in a way that is socially acceptable, then the Athletic Arts Academy is not a safe choice for long term care. Short classes may be suitable but not after-school care or summer camp.
We do not diagnose children nor are we behavioral specialists. We are gymnastics coaches. There are limitations to our capacity to provide service to students who are unable for social or medical reasons to practice self control. Parents should seek medical evaluation if behavior continues over long periods of time. We are more than willing to provide resources to assist families in finding alternative child carethat is suitable, safe, and productive for children with emotional and/or physical conditions beyond our scope of certification.
As always, we defer to parents knowledge of their children. However, just like in primary school, certain behaviors warrant further evaluation and possibly an education/training plan that better serves the child. Making right choices at home prevent us from having to have difficult conversations, informing parents that their child was harmed by another child while in our care, staff being hit and challenged, and us having to interrupt parents/guardians while at work.
Remember to refer to our medical policy described in our Parent Handbook. We do not administer prescription or non-prescription pharmeceuticals. If a child requires medication, it must be administered prior to attending or in the case of asthma pumps, the child must be able to administer the pump safely by themselves. If a child requires an Epi-pen, that is considered emergency care and we are authorized by the State of New Jersey to administer. Cough syrups and antihistamines are not emergency care therefore not allowed on our premises.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
Samiah "Coach Samiah" Tyler
Director, Gymnastics & Aftercare Program
IyaSokoya "Coach Iya" Karade
CEO & Founder, Athletic Arts Academy & A3 Gymnastics Child Care Center LLCs